What is Dump Saga?
Some dumps are horrible. Others are greasy. Some come in 2, 3, or even 4+ installments - and that is a dump saga. The term may be used in two separate (but related) contexts:
1. A dump that refuses to be squeezed out in its entirety in one sitting - and requires several return trips to the can, over several hours, to be unloaded completely. For some reason - as yet a mystery to science - the motherdump has fragmented during its trip down the fudge factory conveyor belt. As a result, it arrives in separate bite-sized chunks, rather than as a simple whole.
2. A series of movies (or episodes), each of which is as shitty or shittier than the last. When describing such a series as a dump saga, one is comparing it to the above detailed gastrological phenomenon. Typically of the sci-fi (e.g. Star Wars/Trek), horror (e.g. Saw, Scream) or teenage comedy-drama (e.g. American Pie) genres.
1. Jerry: Hey Liz, did you finish your presentation last night?
Liz: No. I suffered through a dump saga that kept me occupied for hours - The Dump, The Dump Strikes Back, Return of the Dump, The Dump Menace, Attack of the Dumps, and Revenge of the Dump.
Jerry: I'm sorry I asked. Go easy on the wholegrain bread.
2. Jerry: Hey Liz, did you finish your presentation last night?
Liz: No. I suffered through a dump saga that kept me occupied for hours - my lame
trekky boyfriend showed up and made me sit through ALL SIX equally shit installments of Star Wars - Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith.
Jerry: I'm sorry I asked. Go easy on the dating of losers.