
What is Ent?


Tree-creature in Lord of the Rings. Ents are tall, slow and patient creatures which live in the forest of Fangorn and exist to protect the trees from harm. Related to Entwife. Make for very cool special effects in films, especially when it comes to trashing Isengard.

That tree's got a face - it looks just like an ent.

You need the patience of an ent to put up with this degree course.

Tony Blair's revived the road building programme! I hope an ent squashes him.

See Andy


ear, nose, and throat physicians

Our highly-trained physicians combine years of experience with a heartfelt commitment to providing the best in ENT care

See ear, nose, throat


Another word for ain't, people who use this must be quite dumb, or maybe they're just too lazy to type ain't.

Also for people who talk very slang.

Fiona: Will you do something for me?

Nicola: Nah, sorry I ent got no time.

See aint, isnt, not, no, ent


Ent: Noun

to shit an ent: when your shit is to big to fit the description of 'a log' it becomes an 'ent'

1.'Dude i shat an ent yesterday'

2.'Wow that is some log of a turd'

'Nah dude that is an ent'

See shit, treebeard, ent, turd, discombobulated, emo, chav, slag, slut, tits, cock


Isn't. Mainly used in Worcester and surrounding areas, this word can substitute for isn't, aren't and wasn't or I am not.

1. There ent no more left! (There aren't any more left)

2. Ent it? (Isn't it?)

3. I ent gonna do that. (I wasnt/ I am not going to do that.)

See worcester, isn't, slang


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