Environmental Case

What is Environmental Case?


A person who believes in global warmism, population bombs, endangered spices (sic), or other eco-freako superstitions.

A person who believes that all people (except of course himself and his playmates) should be killed, in order to make more room for bugs, lizards, and weeds.

A person who engages in a pseudo third world lifestyle while enjoying the benefits of a first world diet, infratstructure, medical system, and financial system (guarding his trust fund).

A spoiled white person who believes that dark-skinned people in poor countries should live like wild animals, not aspire to live like us.

That gallery on 57th Street had a crushed British luxury car for sale, titled Eco-Friently Bentley. Some rich environmental case bought it for $100,000.

His environmental case ex-girlfriend tried to get him to scrape the labels off his beer bottles.

That environmental case airline president told Indians they should use treadmill powered pumps, so they would offset the carbon emissions of his jets.

See tree hugger, ecofreak, snob, intellectual


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