
What is Evan?



1. to be awesome beyond contemplation 2. to be so good looking that one is attractive to every female present and at least one guy present 3. to be incredibly smart


1. one who is awesome beyond contemplation (not to be confused with one who is "pious beyond reason") 2. one who pwns in all that he/she does


1. to pwn someone so badly the pwned begs to "take it in the face" 2. to win at a competetion so completely that the loser is glad to have lost 3. to commit an act of awesome or divine magnitude


"That stunt is so evan."

"Man: I am as straight as is humanly or even not humanly possible, but that dude is pretty evanly. Multiple Women: We agree."

"That evan nerd aced the test."

"Kobe Bryant dunked that ball evanly."


"The world's greatest person was beaten in karate death combat by an evan."

"Man! Stupid evan here won in incredible fashion at chinese chess again!"


"Loser: Dude...I am ashamed past reason. You evaned me. May I take it in the face? Humble Victor: Yes. Yes, you may."

"Jesus evaned those Romans."

See awesome, godly, fantastic, sweet, uber, hot, good, pwn, winner, victor, own, dominate


A strong man that is on the path to being very successful. That guy that you just know he has had sex with the girl of his choice. All the women want to be with him and all the guys want to be him.

He is such a great evan.

See evan, heaven, kevin, that guy, greatness


Just so happens to be the sexiest man alive! he's the awesomest guy in the whole world, i mean, i if i was lucky enough to touch him, maybe his sexiness would rub off onto me... damn im soo jealous

name1- HI name2! wow, you look positively Evan! I LOVE YOU!

name2- I know, i know, but i have a girlfriend... nice try though

name1- *runs away and cries in a corner*

See evan, sexy, hotness, body, strong, awesome


Evan - The sexiest man name ever invented, because in 2 syllables, you have "E" (a common party drug), and "Van" (a common fuck spot). Definitely a sexy name all around.

"That guy from the bar last night was a COMPLETE evan. I gave him my real number"

See fuckable, fun, crazy, sexy, amazing


a cute goofy guy, that always seems to be able to put a smile on his face no matter what. Always there for you when you need him, is the greatest person in the whole entire world(besides cassie) Most loveable guy there is.

"youre a goof ball"

"evans more of a goofball"

"but hes damnnn sexy"

See evan, cute, babe, sexy, amazing, perfect


Without a doubt the coolest person in the world. Incredibly sexy, awesome hair, smells great, super friendly, and awesome. He is the man you want to meet and you can find him on myspace. Evan loves everyone.

Girl 1: " So describe what he was like!"

Girl 2: " He was so Evan, it was amazing."

See sexy, awesome, loving, stud, cool


1. makes the everything seem good, safe,hopefull and happy when you hug him. 2. has the most sincere, hearmelting, lovable smile and laugh. 3. the guy you can alwayse call when you need help. 4. the most honest and caring person ever. 5. the man who will ruin all other men for you. 6. the most truly humble sex god on earth. 7. just being around him will make you remember when the world was a good place.

1 "you know who i called when i thought i was dying? evan"

2 "i can't do this with you, im still in love with evan"

3 "evan, i think i love you"

See lovable, adorable, amazing, loved, caring, addictive


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