
What is Excl?


1. Result when you forget the second "e" in excel.

2. Abbreviation for "exclamation"

3. Abbreviation for "excluding"

4. Abbreviation for "exclusive"

5. The username of a semi-popular RuneScapeplayer who specializes in video production, and for the past year, has been making comedy videos in RuneScape to entertain the thousands who watch them. All videos are found on YouTube on the channel "WgdVids."


"Whats a good graph program"


"You mean excel?"



"Did you have to make it an excl.?"


"Everybody excl. banned members"


"This excl. club is one of the finest in the country"


"Excl makes really good RuneScape videos"

See runescape, youtube, video, popular, wgd


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