
What is Face.?


Face, often written FACE., is a more broad and better replacement to words such as burn, pWn or insult. It is a better come-back than either of the afore mentioned words. To FACE. someone is to unleash a hellish insult upon them. For someone to be FACE.ed, someone can just burn them or the situation can lend itself to a FACE.. FACE. is stated at the end of whatever just happened to make the FACE.ey feel stupid embarrassed or humiliated. The FACE.ey is the person who has just been FACE.ed and the FACE.er is who ever may have initiated the FACE.ing. *NOTE: the FACE.er and the FACE.ey may be the same person. Also, the FACE.er may be nature or an unfortunate set of circumstances.

1. Someone says something that makes them seem like a retard, at which point someone near by would say: FACE.

2. The FACE.er burns the FACE.ey, at which point someone near by would say: FACE. *It is generally required that the FACE.er say FACE. in a situation such as this.

3. A set of circumstances makes someone (the FACE.ey) look like a fool, at which point someone near by would say: FACE., because in this situation the FACE.er is not a person and cannot say FACE.

See face, face., burn, insult, pwn


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