Facebook Creep

What is Facebook Creep?



1. to spend a ridiculous amount of time (normally when procrastinating, bored, or both)on the website Facebook

2. to look up persons whom you are not related or affiliated with and/or have no intention of being friends with in real life because of some amount of potential weirdness, hotness, lameness or other limiting factor

"Susan spent 2 hours facebook creeping the super fly guy from her biology class, looking at his pictures, comments, wall, news feed, and that of everyone he is friends with."

See creep, spy, facebook, myspace


A Facebook creep is someone who passes all of their free time on Facebook, looking up details of someone they just met, someone whom they may be infatuated with, but this is not necessary.

A Facebook creep knows of all flattering and compromising pictures of a person, as well as where they are, and follows the developments on the person's wall closely, perhaps to spot a lover not mentioned in the relationship status.

Tory spends all of her free time on Facebook when she should be studying. She is a huge Facebook creep.

Curtis: "Tory! Did you see those new pictures of Chris?"

Tory: "Those were up yesterday. I love the one where he was hammered!"

See facebook, creep, stalker, loner, outcast


Someone who sits on facebook all day long as looks at other peoples pictures until they have no more pictures to look at. A facebook creep see's a girl at a party then proceeds to run home to his computer, add her as a friend than look at every picture of hers. A facebook creep also knows where all the good pictures of the person is. A facebook creep sometimes will miss class just to creep on the girl he saw walking down the hall with the short shorts on. That is a facebook creep.

Matt Mose came home from an eventful night of partying at a frat, went to his computer, and immediately began facebook creeping on all of the girls he met that night.

See creep, matt, weirdo, strange, shits weak


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