What is Facebook Raped?
When one leaves ones
an excuse to write something and shrug it off as someone else's devious work.
e.g 1
Ryan's Status
Ryan: is gay and loves men up the bum bum yum yum...and smells
two hourslater,
Ryan: OH SH**INGMOTHER*%$*£R someones changed my status...I've been facebook raped!!
e.g 2
mate 1: why the hell did you write 'i love you' on my wall last night?
mate 2: erm... oh bother.. ive been facebook raped..
A term used referring to the social networking site Facebook where users are able to update their "statuses" and share with other users what they are doing. When a person is facebook raped, it means a friend of theirs have hacked into their facebook profile and posted a status suggesting that they are or have engaged in some sort of sexual activity.
Status: Eliza Roberts is being taken from behind by Chris...and loving it!
Eliza: "Shit, who just facebook raped me?"
Status: Dean Jones just had a foursome with three hot men and is now exhausted!
Dean: "Fucking hell!!! I didn't post that status, my friend Max facebook raped me."