
What is Fach?


A term used for face; the fancy way of saying face.

Dude, Shut your fach.


it means whatever you please

mostly used as a humorous insult

#1: Wow katy. your doubleyou is hecka fach.

#2: Seriously Ashley, you think her xylophone is chair? Youre soooo fach!!!

See fach, chair, xylophone, blood


A skin disease found mostly on cows and sometimes even on humans, usually forming a gross pussy circle on your meat flesh

Damn, that fach is really acting up


fast acting chick hitting

Acronym for technique of hitting up girls at clubs according to da FACH manual c.2004

see that girl at the bar... fach her!

fach that like you fached the other girl


A skin disease usually found on cows, but has been found on humans. Usually forming a pussy circle on your meat flesh

Damn, that fach is really acting up


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