What is Family Rod Hypothesis?


The belief that children who are abused (emotionally, physically or sexually) inevitably go on to abuse any children they have themselves. Thought up by an abusive and deeply narcissistic parentwho wanted to dismiss any misgivings on their own or their offspring's part as the idealism of green and inexperienced minds, and who held to the belief that if everyone does something it must be OK. Trulyadult minds are not impressed by such phonyreasoning. If the family rod hypothesis were true, the human race would rapidly be descending into violentdysfunction, with new traditions of bully-boys being established as the old ones persisted. A rather dangerous idea in the age of the multi-megatonnethermonuclear warhead, don't you think?

Like all redneck bully-boy cowards, John taught his kids the family rod hypothesis.

See bible, fear, tradition, violence, bully, coward, self-serving


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