
What is Faplaw?


Also, "F.A.P.L.A.W."

Abbreviation: "Fat Ass Psychotic Lazy Ass Windbag."

Short-hand title for the Purplepotamus.

Purplepotamus: O my gawd! You can't send this letter out like this! I'll get in trouble!

Zeke: This has nothing to do with you!

Purplepotamus: Yes it does!

Zeke: Then if you don't like it, why don't you, oh, I dunno, do your own work?

Purplepotamus: Becawwwwwwse Joel won't let me leave my desk!

(She storms off.)

Zeke: Motherfucking FAPLAW!!!

See purplepotamus, psychopotamus, psychotic, lazy, ass, windbag, purple, stalker


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