Fat-bottomed Girl

What is Fat-bottomed Girl?


A type of blunt noted for its wide, stunted appearance and densely packed smoking material (usually marijuana).

Word officially coined 05-09-2008 when one young minister attempted to put words to his blunt-rolling frustrations. Each time he would roll a blunt, he would grind a certain amount of Weedand then the tobacco leaf would tear in the final stages of rolling. In this situation, the young reverend found that his blunt was too thin to hold all the Weedhe had ground, and still maintain the dimensions of a typical blunt. Throwing caution to the wind, the young clergyman packed the remaining Weedinto the thin half blunt, causing it to bulge with being packed. The young minister decided that he liked this new type of blunt mistakes had led him to roll, and he sought to name it. He looked to a shrine of Freddie Mercury he has in his room, and decided to name the new blunt after the Queen song "Fat-Bottomed Girls."

"I got upset that I ripped my blunt right when I was finishing it up, but then I realized that I could pack the Weed into the remaining bottom half, and smoke a fat-bottomed girl."

"Wow, that's one thick fat-bottomed girl."

See fatty, minister, gift from god


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