
What is Fctc?


Fried Chicken Trolling Crew

A group of pathetic 20-30-somethings who fancy themselves organized trolls.

They admit/brag to trolling, right off the bat they fail hard.

This implies that they're a bunch of bored, tools who think trolling is just the neatest thing EVAR. so they all make cute little trolling t-shirts and all have a cool trolling clubhouse.

Kinda like suburban white guys who fancy themselves bikers.

They LOVE Youtube. Pretty much the moron capital of the Internet. If you want to scream nigger or fag at strangers, Youtube is THE place to be.

They LOVE Furries. So much so that they keep up to speed on their subculture more than furries do. It's creepy actually. Furries are odd enough but an obsessed furry stalker with a web cam and no one around to say "Dude, who gives a shit?" is even more frightening.

Instead of going after big targets. These hillbillies hit the same groups High Schoolers have already covered for a decade. Emo, Vampires, Otherkin, Furries, etc.

You know, all the shit we stopped giving a damn about once we left our parents' basements.

Basically I group of bored, arrogant ma-children rilin' up strangers for attention. It MIGHT be acceptable, if they were kids.

They're totally edgy and cool. They take pictures giving the finger, dude. You don't even know.

Ultraforge is a member of the FTCT, easily identified by the traditional "baseball cap and the wife-beater combo" he was married in. Like the other FCTC members, he spends his time between Nascar and Truck Pulls pissing off weirdos on Youtube.

See losers, trolls, posers, retards, idiots


Foocy Toocy

Fried Chicken Trolling Crew

Known to hack the accounts of furfags and sonicfags.

Damn, the FCTC hacked my youtube account agian because I was such a sonicfag. I need to stop jacking off to so much sonic hentai and possibly get laid.

See furfag, youtube, jewtube, fctc


the fried chicken trolling crew


also, some faggots who don't like to smoke

FCTC: yiff in hell lol

furfag: fuck off, fctc


random interbutt bystander: oh, how rad, now i know that the FCTC pwns all furfaggots and/or narutards on the net.

See fctc, epic, trolling, win, dickshit


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