
What is Fece?



fece is a remarkable word with great versatility as a noun or verb. Often used in place of "feces", "poop", etc; and occasionally in place of "fart".

(n.)Is that fece on the ground? (v.)"I went fece!"

See fece, feces, poop, fart, excrement


(v.), (n.) a word relating to feces, also occasionally used in place of "fart". All used as an action, ex. "i have to fece", "i just went fece", "did you just fece?". Also in noun form used in place of feces in a comical nature by the immature, such as I.

(v.)"i went fece!" (n.)"is that fece?"

See fece, feces, poop, fart, excrement


adj. (pron. fees); a word which means nasty, disgusting, or unnatural. Most likely a derivative of feces. Also spelled feece or feese.

"Get your shirt back on, Santa! That's fece!"

"Ew. This movie is fece."

"Hate to break it to you, but that outfit is fece."

See feece, nasthor, heinous, disgusting, sick, inappropriate, wrong, unnatural, abnormal, feces, fecal


the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear

Say that again and i'll slap you in the fece

See why, krusty


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