Similar to fugly, the f appended to the front of the word epic stands for "fucking epic". Used to describe something that is breathtaking, displaying manliness or general bravado, or something having proportionally larger levels of awesomeness than your average awesome thing such that it is worthy of an "f for fucking" prefix.
Holy shit, that movie about the Spartans was fepic.
See beast, ownage, awesomeness, monstrous, apocalyptic, mythological, ballsy, legendary, beastly, manly, awesome, incredible, amazing, monumentous, fepic, fucking, fuckin, fuking, freaking, freakin, fricking, frickin, epic
The combination of the words "fucking" and "epic" meaning that the act or person is fucking epic. Fucking epic is a far stronger word than epic and is used when the term epic will not suffice. This word was created by Nick one of the founding brothers of the Society of Nar at the start of 2008. Although the word was originally only used by the brothers and sisters of Nar it has since become popular all over youtube.
"That video by Nick sure was fepic, NAR"
See the, society, of, nar, fepic, youtube, fucking, epic