
What is Fettler?


A friendly Blackburn term used for a mate or pal.

"Arty o`reytfettler?".....(meaning "Hello, are you alright my friend?")

"Owst tha doin fettler?"....("How are you my friend?")

"Ah`llsi-thi in a bit fettler"....("I will see you soon my friend")

See fettler, blackburn, fettle


Strictly speaking, a fettler is one who "Grinds and sands ceramic products". However, in a modern day context, we have come accept the term as meaning: one who engages in unsanitory or socially unacceptable practices, such as molestation of young boys and generally caressing things that ought not to be caressed.

- "Did you see that dirty Baz in't park 't other day? He looked like a right bleedin fettler!"

- "Yeh"


- "Jeez look at that strumpet on the way to club Corporation, she's asking for a proper fettlin"

- "Yeh"

See fettler, dirty, wrong, curse, swear, nasty, foul, unacceptable, northern, meg


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