Final Fantasy 12

What is Final Fantasy 12?


The twelfth installment of Squares ever popular Final Fantasy series. In short, two kingdoms are waging war against one another, and the kingdom of Dalmasca is caught in the middle. One of the kingdoms (Arcadia) invades the kingdom of Dalmasca and the princess, Ashe (who was made to look more caucasian in the english game), joins a resistance movement. She'll meet many many different characters who'll join you and you gotta take down Arcadia.

The games so far been critically acclaimed in several foreign (read:Japanese) publications. From what I've heard (wikipedia), it's been leaked onto the net (as I'm writing this, there's still 2 weeks 'till the games release).

Vaan looks like a douche, but at least it's a departure from all the pretty boy shit in every RPG. People hate him, and that I like.

Oh, and theres bunnies+girls with big fucking asses so you can bet the hentai will be decent.

Final Fantasy 12 cause I gotta say it at least once.

See final fantasy 12, square-enix


The last of the series for the PS2. It features a world with waring lands. One person here has been bashing the game without even playing it to actually see thats it's a great game (lunar shadows. The Graphics are great, the music is great (not better than FFX though).

The game is very difficult. Unlike previous games where you arrive at and area via cut scene instead you have to get yourself there while in constant battle. Getting to your main objective may take several deaths, retries, and starting over the entire game.

The New battle system is easy to master after a few hours of play to obtain and learn everything for it.

The game proves to be the best of the series, even though it may not be the most popular, but we know popularity isn't everything. Everything in the game has been given more detail than previous games.

It's a game worth buying if you want to challenge everything you've learned about the series. In short it's and incredible game. I have no qualms about buying it for 50 bucks.

I also find the game to be a medium to seeing how the system for FF13 will be seeing as how it's similar.

I can't wait to beat it, then replay it, and replay and replay. Final Fantasy 12 is game worth the wait and price.

See final fantasy, ff, rpg, brilliant


A game that is due to come out shortly. It doesn't look like that it will be as good as FF6, so I won't buy it.

Let's take a game that looks good that that will also be coming out soon, suikoden 4.

First of all, the Hero of suikoden 4 looks more like a dude than Vaan. Vaan is uglier than someone's ass hairs, from where the Hero of Suikoden 4 isn't ugly at all.

In FF12, your going to get a crapy amount of allies, it's like 4 or something (maybe square will get daring and put more than 10 characters). Where in suikoden 4, you will be able to gain up to 108 allies.

If you look at the Hero in suikoden 4, he is very tough and strong. Vaan probably would loose an arm wrestling match with a lady bug.

After taking the time to think about FF12, it will be obvious that FF12 will not be as good as previous FFs.

FF12 sucks rooster balls


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