
What is Flatbiller?


Also called "BROs" because they constantly refer to each other as bro ("Hey bro"), a flatbiller is a kid covered in silly tattoes, tries his best to be x-treme, has a raised truck, rides dirtbikes and needs to talk about dirtbiking when other people are listening. Havasu and Glamis are the common vacation spots for west coast flatbillers. The term flatbiller refers to the flatbilled hats turned sideways that bros often wear. Common flatbiller accessories are custom lowered older cars, iron cross/west coast choppers stickers, bandanas, white stickers on the back window of their "street" truck that show how x-treme they are. Flatbillers are only allowed to wear black. There is an entire webpage devoted to providing flatbiller examples... the name is very creative, can you guess it?

Two flatbillers involved in an intelligent discourse at work-

Bro #1: Hey bro did you see my new west coast choppers tat, now I really look like eminem bro.

Bro #2: Bro, that tat is crazy, bro, you do look like eminem bro. We look so different than everyone else that is trying to look different.

Bro #1: Yeah bro, when I go dirtbiking I will have to let it air-out with the nipple ring. We are x-treme individuals bro. Nobody knows how to party like us. Did I mention that we dirtbike bro.

Bro #2: Awesome bro, these tattoes are never going out of style bro. They are timeless bro, like that "Limp Bizkit" scar that you scratched into your arm in 9th grade, bro.

Bro #1: Yeah bro. I need to get out of here bro, we should go to Havasu this weekend.

Bro #2: Yeah bro, but payday is next friday and I need to sink all my cash into the 8-ball shift-knob on the '63 bro.

Bro #1: I hear you bro, we need to ditch this job and become union pipelayers bro. That would be x-treme.

Customer: Can I have the large fries please.

See flatbill, bro, iron cross, poser


A flatbiller is someone who buys a truck, puts a large and ineffectual lift on it, then proceeds to offroad in closed areas, resulting in more anti-offroader sentiment. Many times, but not always, they are characterized by their flat billed mesh hat.

That dude in the F150 lifted on 33's was at Gordons Well bombing through the bushes, he's too much of a flatbiller and is gonna help the Sierra Club close the dunes.


A flatbiller is a young male, who usually lives in SoCal Or NorCal. They are typically white and very proud of their race(Not racist they're PROUD). They are very confident in themselves, they're also very outgoing and love to party. Their style includes Dickies pants or shorts, a shirt with a logo on it(SRH, Metal Mulisha, Skin, Famous, KMK), A hat or bandana(sometimes both) and many tattoos and piercings. You often see them riding lifted trucks, jeeps, dirt bikes, and quads.

That Flatbiller has some bomb tats.

See flatbiller, bros, bro, socal, norcal


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