What is Flupe?
Noun - (Floop) - A female with a nice face who has a little extra meat on her bones, which causes her bosoms to become quite large; thereby making her fuckable despite her possessing a few extra pounds.
Teddy: Man, that bitch is kinda big.
Duffleton: Maybe so man, but we're still gonna bone. She's a total flupe !
The (often hairy) patch of skin above the male genatals penis where the pubic hair grows. It is an excelent spot to itch, or place your hand when watching tv (through your belt to relieve pressure and enduce relaxation. Applies to men only.)
Orriginated by Justin Tibalidi (a cleanup worker from IN-N-Out 139)
Used when itching that spot, or when the spot is especially itchy or in need of attention.
"Man my flupe itches."
oh flupe, i've shat myself
Verb: To goof off or fool around. Also, means to mess things up badly.
Hey... quit fluping off, we've got work to do!
Oh man, he fluped it up real bad.