What is Fobs?
Full Of Bull Shit.
Not to be confused with FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) which is a deragotary term commonly associated with Asian people who have just arrived to USA from their native homeland.
Dick: That Gary dude was totally FOBS, I don't buy the crap that came outta his mouth.
First of all it stands for Freak Out Blunt Smoke. It refers to a person who while or after smoking sed blunt tends to have freak out moments. You can call someone this as a nickname
Tony stop freaking out after charing the L or else we will start calling you FOBS!
Famous Older Brother Syndrome; Makes you feel worthless about your older brother being famous and you not. Typicall occurs in highschool students who go to the same school as their famous older brother(duh).
Dude, you're so depressed all the time.
I know man. It's my FOBS. Matt won another award.
Just an acronym for Fuck Off Big Switch. Used to denote a physically large or topologically important switch.
Just after the aggregation network, it hits our FOBS, a Cisco MGX 8900.
They a big mofos that can bash ny other culture we aussies like fobs cause they bash the shit outa lebs.
Tommo:Oi braa look at lorenso he just knocked down about 50 lebos
Ben: yeah he is a crazy fob