
What is Foggle?


abrv. for "the full ogle." The foggle is a prolonged stare in which the stare-er is so wrapped` up in the ogle, that he (foggler is usually male) does not do "the look away" should his subject notice it. It is usually reserved for persons who are ridiculously out of the foggler's league. The foggle almost never leads to positive contact with its subject, and therefore should never be used a pick-up tool. May lead to altercations.

Girl-"Hey asshole, stop staring at me!"

The Friend-"Dude, you just got caught in the foggle!"

The Foggler-"I know, but did you see that rack? Damn!"

See stare, leer, wolf


1. The act of "seeing your breath".

2. Exhaling in a cold environment to see the resulting fog from the temperature difference.

It was so cold this weekend that there wasn't one point at which I couldn't foggle.


A word that can be used to substitute other words such as the -F- word, also can substitute other words -For Example-

What the foggle?

Are you a foggle?

What have you been foggling?

Foggle you!

See goggle, bobble, nozzle, wtf, smoking, idiot


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