What is For All Intensive Purposes?


Nonsense, it means nothing. Its what people say when they really mean to say "for all intents and purposes".

1. For all intents and purposes = Correct

2. To all intents and purposes = Correct

3. For all intensive purposes = WRONG! You should have paid attention in English class!


de facto: The phrase is a corruption of "for all intents and purposes" by persons who have heard the phrase, but have not read it in it's proper form. It means "for all intents, and for all purposes."

de jure: Taken literally, the phrase means "for purposes which are intense. All purposes which are not intense are not included." This is almost completely opposite to what is meant by most people, and is why it is imperitive that persons use the proper phrase.

For all intensive purposes, everyone gets this phrase wrong.

See intensive, de facto, de jure


How people who don't stop to think about things and are accustom to taking most things at face value say "For all intents and purposes."

My math teacher as a lead-in to some math point said "Well, for all intensive purposes..."

She was a young ditzy female who as her day job taught math and as her night job did modern dance. EXACTLY the type of person you would expect to say "For all intensive purposes."


A reintepration of the earlier phrase "for all intents and purposes", the phrase means "virtually" or "for all practical purposes".

For all intensive purposes the phrase "for all intensive purposes" is identical to "for all intents and purposes", and anyone who continues to make the distinction is a soulless pedant.

See analogy


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