
What is Franked?


Being filled with fail;

Being pulled from success;

To be left in the middle of something without help;

Her project was going well, but she got Franked.

He was winning the race, but got Franked out of the win.

See franked, fail, donkey, lose


It's when you have crappy dial-up and it kicks you off the internet and when you get back on AIM and you get tired of explaing to everyone what happened so you just tell them you franked.

I franked again. Dail-up sucks.

See dial-up, internet, aim, piece of crap, slow


When someone never answers their cell phone or returns your phone calls or texts. A person who uses their cell phone as outbound only.

I called you 5 times on Saturday, but you franked me.

See ignore, avoid, neglect


what happens to people when they are dominated and or interrupted in a conversation by someone of superior intellect

Steve said "I have to find" Frank interrupts and asked a question or changes the subject. Oh you just got franked! Steve was franked by Frank.

See frank, dominated, conversation


To make someone your bitch.

Dude, i totally franked like ten dudes playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare online last night.

See bitch, owned, sonned, hustled, killed


To have experienced having one's illegal and / or unethical activities (usually connected to politics or media control in Canada) exposed. Named after Frank Magazine, one of the few media sources in Canada not owned by the Government or controlled by friends of the Government.

Paul Martin got franked over the Government giving Canada Steamship Lines millions in contracts.


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