Free Samples

What is Free Samples?


Possibly the best thig on planet earth. They are usually food but occasionally can be other items. Also they are the only good free thing.

Dude, let's get some of those free samples from over there!


porn for people who don't have any money that only last 10-30 sec.

I have a mass of free samples on my computer that just keep repeating.

See porn, poor, broke, free, noob


The best thing ever. Mostly found in grocery stores or malls, usually food. But at this one place I can't get any free stuff because the person at the counter says I need to be 18 or with an adult. What the fuck? I need to be 18 to eat a fucking cookie? Bullshit.

Sometimes it can be other stuff, like complimentary items in hotel rooms.

Grocery Store: Cookies, Coca-Cola, Crackers, Sandwiches, Mmmm.


Brother-Free samples!

Me- Awesome. Free Matches!

Brother- Sweet. Free Shower Curtains!

Me- Hey Dad! Get the truck! They left us a Free TV and Coffee Maker too!

See gains, freebies


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