
What is Fribble?


something that is screwed up or not normal. see example

"I was so drunk my vision was all fribbled."

"that's a fribblin pizza they served us"


A fribble is a dickfart. It occurs when bodily gas is expelled through a cock. It makes a noise much like the anus fart. Richard Nixon once fribbled while buttfucking his college roommate.

peasant woman: "Mother Theresa, may I have a piece of bread?"

Mother Theresa: "Yes woman, you may."

(Fart noise)

Mother Theresa: "Okay, who just fribbled? Which one of you goobers just fribbled? No more food until somebody owns up to this bullshit."

See dick, fart, butt, ass


A so called delicious ice cream treat that has the taste and the consistency of diarrhea. Often served in a cup.

John: Hey wanna go get a fribble?

Alex: No they taste like liquid poop

See fribble, poop, diarrhea, ice cream, taste


when you mean to fart but, you can figure out the rest...

"oh shit i think i just fribbled!"

See sharted, fripple, shart, fart


A perplexity, or elaborate puzzle.

My, that is quite the fribble you've gotten yourself into.

See puzzle, complicated, elaborate, riddle


a fruitcake

see fag

Hesperia High School is loaded with "fribbles"

See me


Something Ms. Christian says when shes angered. Maybe its suppose to mean fuck in her world but you never know...

Also known as Fribble dibble

Oh fribble i forgot about the test!

See Jordan


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