Front Royal

What is Front Royal?


Formerly called "Hell Town," Front Royal is located off of exit six on Route 66. Coined the Meth capitol of Virginia it is home to tooth decay, incest, herpes, illiteracy, and rampant drug use by all (including law enforcement).

"Hi, my name is Forest and this is my sister/wife Bessy Sue."

"You must be from Front Royal."

See meth, incest, herpes, illiteracy


n.- a wide spot in the road in between rt. 522,50,and 66. this is to date the first city to try to secceed since obama was elected. it is the birth-palce of hepatitis a and e. the concept of incest was developed and cultivated in the back woods here. if you accidentally arrive if "Fro-Ro" i highly suggest you drive as fast as you can until you cant hear the banjo music anymore.

"My girl friend got hepatitis e in Front Royal!"

See shit pot, drugs, clap, law


the most run down town in all of virginia,commonly reffered to as front raw,fro ro,fro rock and cunt is over run with young hooligans who often abuse sex and drugs in public places.

hey,arent you from front royal?

See nasty, crack, prostitutes, gangs, lawless


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