
What is Fronting?


Acting like you are more, or you have more than what really exists.

Casey drove around the rented car acting like it was hers. She was straight fronting.

See Stacy


A facade. Appearing one way, but really acting another. Misrepresnting yourself.

Ellen, the same one from Walnut Creek, best not front when she tells me she has something for me!


Misrepresenting yourself, in regards to what you have or how you feel.

Ellen from Walnut Creek is a cool girl but she stays fronting.

See Oz


Giving a sub-suplier drugs in bulk for free, up front, on the understanding that they will pay you within a given period once they have dealt them in smaller quatities at a markup

He's been fronting me ki's for years now because he knows I bring that paper right back.

See coke, weed, dealer, hook-up, trap


Attempting to engage in a violent action with someone. NOT the same as trippin. (see tripping)

Yo, if you don' stop frontin' i'ma pop ya one!


The act of not being a gangster.

"Sir, I do believe you are fronting."


the act of lending drugs to a niggawhen a dealer knows he is not going to get paid for them

Don't be fronting nigga.

See Niggaplease


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