
What is Frooble?


Small white, almost bunny like creatures with there right ear slightly bigger than their left. They move by bouncing and are so happy that if they frown or swear, they explode. Watch out, they might joyfully kill you.

The humans studied the specimen, a waist high Frooble.

The Frooble hopped happilly through the streets of Froobletopia.

See frooble, grooble, explode, happy


Noun. Slang for a crazy bitch.

Verb. The act of being a crazy bitch.

Noun. Nessa is such a frooble sometimes.

Verb. Duckeh is froobing out.

See postal, wacky, bonkers, loopy


The services and equipment necessary to mount an exhibition.

What account shall I charge this to? Oh that'll be Exhibition Frooble.

See equipment, resources



n, v, adj

A word too cool, too all-powerful, and yes, too stupid to be held to one little definition.

Frooble will frooble us all.

You can go frooble yourself.

You are in huge frooble.

My girl and I froobled last night.

See Dan


i hate her

but in a nicer way


how cool is that word? lol

1 girl: mi hair is beta than urs

2 girl: frooble!


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