
What is Froofy?


Hair that is frizzy and poofy.

Steven's froofy hair bounces when he runs.

See frizzy, poofy, bouncy, flat, slick


consisting of a feminine nature, taste, or attitude

With all the flowers and bright pink colors Mary's room was to froofy for Bob's taste.

See froofy, feminine


hair that is poofy and fluffy at the same time.

Robert Plant had beautiful froofy hair!


An idea or policy with no logical or rational basis and is not grounded in reality.

I would vote for Bob Barr, but some of his ideas are a little froofy.

See foofy, unrealistic, absurd, questionable, bizarre


Something that is gay.

Jay is a froofy crossdresser.

See bob


An environment or atmosphere characterized by a sponge bob pencil holder, a monkey and a bamboo plant.

The lipper machine is in a froofy environment.

See Jaybird


incredibly interesting and intelligent

Your photos are froofy

See interesting, intelligent, glassy, incredible, wow


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