
What is Fufu?


fancy and high-class. Also, frilly or snobish

Sally lives in a very fufu neighborhood

See Carl


a word used in place of the female genitals..like fanny(Austalia. n.z meening.

it is a casual word..not so vulgar, it is not a swear word or a word to be offended by..simply the word is used amongst females when chatting.

"gosh...my fufu is itchy??"


Another Word for the female Vagina Common Slang

Lick my Fufu

See vagina, sexual, fufu, lol, ha


The worst, boring, lacking quality, bottom of the barrel

Man, this double cheeseburger was fufu.

See garbage, wack, homo, boo boo, lame


someone who is stupid dummy phony

Ben blood u fufu my nigga feeeel me???

See phony, weak, stupid, sumb, hyphy


Something sweet scented, generally perfume or cologne

What the hell's that fufu you got on?

See perfume, cologne, scent, sweet, girly


A prison term given to a frozen Snickers bar that is inserted anally.

"Make sure you get in good with the Kitchen guy, he can hook you up with some fufu's for some late night pleasure"

See prison, fifi, anal, foo foo


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