
What is Fussle?


Untoned muscle. A blend of fat and muscle . What an overweight guy has when he lifts weights and continues to eat like a glutton. fuscle

The fat dude has been lifting weights....his arms are all fussle.


Untoned muscle. A blend of fat and muscle . What an overweight guy has when he lifts weights and continues to eat like a glutton. Also known as Fuscle.

That fat dude has been lifting weights, hydrating with beer and fueling the machine with pizza. His arms are all fussle.

See fuscle, fat fuck, big ass, dunlap


to vigorously attack a hyper active dog, most prominently in the rumpus area. can include mental and emotional fussling as well. may or may not lead to and insane outburst of anger and bites from the dog being fussled, even though the dog enjoys it. works best on maggie the dog, aka dopetasia, dopetastic, maggiedope, magdo, docia, dope-dog, idi-dope, do, and/or la perra loca

have you fussled the dope yet?

damn, you fussled the shit out of her!

I fussled the dope 7 times

See funny, crazy, laugh, dope, fussle


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