
What is Fute?


funny and cute at the same time

Boy: that midget is so funny!!

Girl: No, it isn't. It's cute!!!

Strange Guy who pops out of nowhere: It's a fute midget!!!!!!!!

See fute, funny, cute, portmanteau, poo


fierce and cute at the same time

person 1:"Did you see that really cute chick beat up that guy?"

person 2:"Yea man, she's fute."

See fierce, cute, ugly, wimp


fat, but cute

that chick is fute


Fit and cute at the same time.

NOTE: Fit and cute are NOT the same thing.

Girl 1: AWWH HE'S SO FUTE ^w^ *cuddles and kisses Guy 1*

Guy 1: MRRFLE >.<;;

See fit, cute, fute, phute, phitt


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