What is Gainesville?
The home of the University of Florida Gators and possibly the tightest place on earth. Home to over 80,000 college students, its needless to that binge drinking is rampant and that weed is smoked by the acre. Its always sunny and the people are attractive. The best time to visit Gainesville is right after a football victory (preferably a national championship) during which everyone is intoxicated and inhibitions are at an all time low. Gainesville has also been referred to as G-ville, Gainesvegas, and Titletown.
Diddy: Dog, I feel like getting drunk and smashing some hot tail.
Keiron: Big shocker,Wanna ride to Gainesville ?
Diddy: Not drivin'!
Keiron: Fuck, lets go.
A place where rich upper class people move to. Mostly from Fairfax Coutny. Filled with cow shit and trains. You can see the Bull Run moutains from your backyard. Filled with new developments like Somerset, Piedmont, Dominion Valley, Lake Manassas, Virgina Oaks. Filled with old rednecks who live in run down houses, and country farmers who own Alpacas and cows. The locals drive their tractors for fun. The newcomers all want to go back to where they came from. Gainesville has only one main road, Lee Hwy. The students miss random days of school off. For instance if it is too cold or the wind is blowing, if its raining or for snipper attacks.
Gainesville a city wannabe.