
What is Garlic?


(noun) Mockney Rhyming slang. Used as in 'garlic mash' to mean cash.

Popularised by ironic references, funny or otherwise, to Jamie Oliver.

"Mate, can you spot me on this one? I'm out of garlic."

"I'll put this on my card and you can give me the garlic later"

See cash, money, change, currency, mockney


When something is garlic, it is full of flavor.

Brother, that tie is garlic.


a street name for marijuana or weed, commonly used among college art students

garlic can spice up any situation making everything less bland, especially art class

"hey man you got some garlic, im all out"

"dude, garlic would really spice this up nicely"

"im thinkin that the vampires are coming... give me some of that garlic"

"gaaalic" (someone already high might say it this way)

See weed, marijuana, spice, garlic, vampires


a "buzz word", like the phrase "your mom", used to relieve tension.

Created in a concrete apartment building in Lithuania by a Swede.

Hugo: Hey Kasey, guess what?

Kasey: What?

Hugo: Garlic.

Kasey: Ahh, you got me!

See garlic, your mom, kasey, lithuania, sweden


a street name for marijuana or weed, commonly used among college art students

garlic can spice up any situation making everything less bland, especially art class

"lemme check out your spice rack"

"hey man you got some garlic, im all out"

"dude, garlic would really spice this up nicely"

"im thinkin that the vampires are coming... give me some of that garlic"

"gaaalic" (someone already high might say it this way)

See weed, marijuana, spice, garlic, vampires


a bulb with a strong onionlike flavor,commonly overused in any type of pseudo-italian dish.

I think it needs some more garlic. I still think it needs some more garlic.

See Marlo


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