
What is Garrulous?


Garrulous = talkative. Some who is very talkative is often referred to as being garrulous. Bloviating is a from of being garrulous - when one is a longwinded pompous windbag he is bloviating. He is also being garrulous at the same time by being overly talkative.

Most politicans are garrulous - overly talkative about little of importance - talking more about themselves.

Another term for someone who tends to be garrulous - is popinjay. A popinjay is a person who talks way too much in a conceited manner.

I recently went to a political fundraiser - for the most part the speakers were garrulous - way to talkative with out saying anything substantive. There was more bloviating taking place than important discussion. These garrulous windbags were being popinjays.

See popinjay, bloviate, opine, windbag


1.Talkative, chatty. People that are this way are usually considered 'social'.

2.sometimes describes a person that doesn't know how to shut the fuck up.

1. The man was very garrulous; talking with everyone and being the life of the party.

2. The garrulous fool talked through the entire movie, ruining it for the other partrons!

See talk, speech, chatty


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