What is Gayest Band Of All Time?


Styx, a band formed in 1970 and is still, sadly, performing to this day. If anybody tries to tell you that Styx is anything more than terrible, the following actions should be completed:

a) Bitch-slap them at once

b) Emphasize how inferior they are

c) Go to their mother's house and/or grave and repeat

-"Damn it, this is the gayest music i have ever listened to! Who is this?!"

-"This, son, is Styx. They are often cited as the gayest band of all time."

-"It makes me want to put a fetus in a blender, papa!"

-"Me too son, me too."

-"This is worse than being in the Special Olympics!"

See terrible, gay, michael jackson, suicide, retardation


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