
What is Gimmpy?


An emo kid who spends his day on xbox live with his good old buddy hermanitis. He dresses in dark cloths, with some poo ass converse shoes. On a daily basis he likes to give himself auto-fellatio since he can't get any. Wasting his way at home skipping school and sleeping in bed rotting away like a vegetable.

Mom: Gimmpy stop giving yourself auto-fellatio and do the dishes!

Gimmpy: Piss off im playing xbox live!

Mom: Don't make me stick these size 9s up your ass!

Gimmpy: Fine *slits wrists*

See chris, emo, vegetable, auto-fellatio, hermanitis


When a male that is interested in the male sex(homosexuality) were's very little clothing.

Chris, that outfit is like so gimmpy, you made Adam look hetero.

See gimpy, homosexual, skimpy, sexy, slutty


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