
What is Gingerballs?


A derisive term for a red-haired male.

Hey you, hey gingerballs...where are you going? Are you going to a dick meeting?

See ginger, flight, redhead


The balls of a ginger(red haired person). Usually the person is lacking a soul.They are pale and suffer from the disease gingervitis.It is in fact an STDn be used as an insult to a ginger.

Ginger kid: Hey guys do you want to come out?

Group of kids: Ahhhhhhh.. Gingerballs!

Ginger kid:ohh never mind

See gingerballs, ginger, balls, souless, faggot


A Poofter aussie model who likes to walk dogs, suck wangas, and engage in bro rape.

1.Gingerballs you suck at counterstrike.

2.Gingerballs, why do you have a 10 inch black dildo?

See gay, queer, lesbo, aussie, poofter


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