Glock 20

What is Glock 20?



Action: "Safe Action"

Caliber: 10x25mm

Overall length: 7.6 inches

Barrel length: 4.6 inches

Capacity: 15 plus one in the chamber.

Weight unloaded: 1.73 lb.

The most powerful Glock from the factory, light weight for a 10mm, versatile enough for hunting, target shooting, or shitty situactions, and Gaston Glock's biggest gift to mankind with many accessories available for it. The most under acknowledged and under rated semi-automatic pistol in America.

I done took that deer down with a 180 grain Gold Dot hollowpoint traveling at 1300 feet per second from my Glock 20.

Nigga stole my rims, so I popped him wit my Glock 20, ya dig.

See hand cannon


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