Goblet Of Fire

What is Goblet Of Fire?


when two gay men use hot sauce as lubricant for anal sex

degner gave brian a goblet of fire last night

See anal, sex, hot sauce, homosexual, twink


A magical object in the Harry Potter books that chose the four champions of the Triwizard Tournament in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

Harry almost shat himself when his name came out of the Goblet of Fire.

See harry potter, potter, book, magic, hp


The toliet you use to rid your body of that spicey mexican food you had for dinner.

"I went over to meet her parents and that Taco Bell came knocking on my back door so I turned her parent's toliet into the Goblet of Fire."

See harry potter, poop, taco bell, mexican food


Queendlander (Australian) stoner slang for cigarette lighter

"hey man, pass me the goblet of fire"

See goblet, of, fire, lighter, cigarette


when two gay men use hot sauce as lubricant for anal sex

degner gave brian a goblet of fire last night

See anal, sex, hot sauce, homosexual, twink


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