
What is Googan?


An Internet term for lowlife webmaster who posts ads and web pages typically with no meaningful content, no regard for adwords copywriting, or consideration for other people, especially those who click on promising-looking links.

"I couldn't find any argyle socks yesterday, the search results were totally full of spam web pages hogging up the place, dropping spyware and Googans snagging people with pop-up ads."

See spammer, spam, spyware, popups, malware


A fishing (not sexual) term for lowlife, shore(bank) fishermen who baitfish typically without a license, regard to regulations, and etiquette towards other people, especially other fishermen following the rules.

Damn, I couldn't find a spot at the river yesterday. It was totally full of googans hogging up the place, dropping f-bombs, and snagging fish.

See fishing, losers, fisherman, chunkers


A googan is an offshore fishermen who constantly loses fish that the average fishermen would catch. 'Googans' tend to 'set the hook' when using circle hooks. A googan would not survive if stranded on a desert island with all the fishing tackle in the world, because a googan does not know how to tie the simplest of fishing knots.

Jim Warstler is a googan.

See googie, goog, deuche, dork


1) A failure at life; a fool of many magnitudes.

2) Tool.

3) Ilbum Kwak

Man, what the heck. Why is Ilbum such a googan?

See fool, googin, googen, tool, kwak, Googan


1) A general term for the various monsters, gargoyles, ghosts, boogeymen, etc. that small children have nightmares over

2) A hideously ugly woman

1) Don’t worry dear. I’ll lock the closet door so the Googans can’t get you.

2) Holy shit dude! Did you see the Googan that Mark shagged last night? She was like the Elephant Woman.


The offspring of the mating of a male bogan and a female gook

b1rd and his missus (who several people claim is in fact a ladyboy) are looking forward to one day producing a brood of googans

See bogan, white, gook, asian, australia, mating, breeding


it meen glue gun and it is reallly kwl word :L


See googan, hi, lol


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