
What is Government?


A money-driven conspiracy of liars, cheaters, and conartists claiming to control all morality. They assume that they know everything, including the difference between right and wrong, but to not realize how hypocritical they truly are. They will create their own destrution, while their victoms sit and watch them fall.

Fuck the government!


Something that everyone would be better off if there was less of.

Don't you just love how the government takes your money and dumps it into the toilet?


A bunch of evil people who wish to inslave every man, woman, and child.

The government is made up of a bunch of liars.


1. to create to illusion of freedom and liberty for all citizens; when in reality the government (U.S.) gives a few control over the entire civilized Earth, while the rest are slaves, whether you realize it or not.

2. Control

the Media

popular culture/consumer culture

"white America's fear of the black man"(Bowling For Columbine, Moore)

See Mark


If we suspect you have a secret about us, or if you say anything against us, or if we just don't like you, or if we're just bored, we'll even go to the point of killing you and your family.

And that's how government works.


Organisation that is fucking your life up, fucking the world up and must be destroyed.


An intrusive body that has recently decided to reach far beyond the boundaries set by itself during its origination; A machine capable of progressing the lives of many people to points of imminent gloom.

The government is best when you never have think of it.


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