
What is Grammar?


Something that people on the internet are incapable of learning.

'omg liek you suk you n00b'

'Ever heard of spelling?'


Something that's never used anymore, because nowadays people are stupid.

The girl corrected her peer for his poor grammar, and was then beaten into a pulp and called a nerd.

See Eponine


Something people should be forced to learn, even if they are stupid. It is also something that makes people on-line think you are a stuck up bastard.

Me: Please, stop embarassing yourself.

Random Person On-line: u stukc uop basterd


Something that has not been adequately defined by some other definitions; refers to the rules used to combine words together in order to form meaning within a given language.

"i don liek u becoz u suck"==grammatically correct, despite spelling shortcuts and the lack of capitalization/punctuation. These are mechanical/technical errors.

"She go to house red last Saturday."==despite perfect mechanics, this is not grammatically correct, due to a tense mismatch (needs to be past tense, verb misinflection (should be "she goes"), missing article ("the" or "a"), and adjective-noun word order reversal.

Bad grammare n spelung aint not impotrent in a essay.


An obsolete part of language in teenage America. Some people blame AIM, others blame TV.

I'm in an honors English class, yet the grammar in it is rather appalling. Misplaced commas, horrid spelling, and run-on sentences seem to be vital parts of English papers now. However, this may have to do with the fact that I attend a school in Georgia.


Along with spelling, a construct unfortunately in short supply amongst web-based communiques.

A rapid survey of any definition group on this site will disclose a monstrous paucity of grammar.

See king_o_poo


Grammar is something President George W. Bush doesn't have.

"We have misunderestimated them"

"Is our children learning"

"We will take your dreams and... we will more better them."

"Grammar, is that a type of WMD?"

See grammer, idiot, moron, dubass, failure


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