
What is Grandia?


Grandia was a game made for the PSX, Although the Graphics just plain sucked... The story, Characters, voice acting, battle system, and the new way to learn moves wasn't too shabby.

The Story is about a boy named Justin emabarking on an adventure to find the Lost civlization of Angleou.

Arguably the best RPG For PSX Rivaling FF VII, VIII, and IX.

Grandia... Must HAVE IT!

See Kine


Grandia 2 is the second grandia game that has come out, Grandia 2 is out on playstation 2, in grandia 2 you are Ryudo who is a geohound that bounces from job to job and has done some much work for his clients that he has built up a reputation. Ryudo has an friend who is called skye, Skye acts as Ryudo's moral judgement although it seems that Ryudo and Skye are at Rivalry with each other they really are friends. then one day Ryudo accepts a job as a bodyguard of the church of Granes, the job requires that the songstress of granes Elena is taken to Garmia Tower and returned safetly. but the job is not as simple as Ryudo expected as a number of things go wrong and what seemed to be a simple job turned out to be a epic struggle of good verses evil. Grandia 2 is an 80 hour long RPG game although rated at 45 out of 100 by Playstation Maginzine it really is rated lower then it should be.

Grandia 2 is exerlante and equall's the Quilty of Final Fantasy


One of the most epic RPG's in existence. Originally rivaling Panzer Dragoon Saga as the best Saturn RPG, it was eventually ported for an American and European release on the PSX. Over 60 hours of pure kickass awesomeness, one of the most original, involving battle systems ever, a purely AWESOME leveling system and some great character designs along with a great storyline that evolves as it progresses makes for a solid experience.

The voice acting can suck from time to time, mind you.

Grandia: You'll never look at another RPG the same way again.

See gaming, grandia, psx, saturn, win


One of the most epic RPG's in existence. Originally rivaling Panzer Dragoon Saga as the best Saturn RPG, it was eventually ported for an American and European release on the PSX. Over 60 hours of pure kickass awesomeness, one of the most original, involving battle systems ever, a purely AWESOME leveling system and some great character designs along with a great storyline that evolves as it progresses makes for a solid experience.

The voice acting can suck from time to time, mind you.

Grandia: It makes Final Fantasy look like something a zoo of chimps threw together.

See gaming, grandia, rpg, epic, win, psx, saturn, sega


One of the most epic RPG's in existence. Originally rivaling Panzer Dragoon Saga as the best Saturn RPG, it was eventually ported for an American and European release on the PSX. Over 60 hours of pure kickass awesomeness, one of the most original, involving battle systems ever, a purely AWESOME leveling system and some great character designs along with a great storyline that evolves as it progresses makes for a solid experience.

The voice acting can suck from time to time, mind you.

Grandia: A happy man's Final Fantasy.

See gaming, grandia, awesome, psx, sega, saturn, win


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