What is Green Grass And High Tides?


One of the most relaxing, underrated songs ever written. Green Grass has, like many songs of its kind, lyrics that don't literally apply to our life but can be if examined or listened to carefully.

The guitar work is this song's strongest point, it sounds and feels like the blood of Jesus Christ is flowing through your veins! If you are into classic rock and have not heard this song, I suggest you look it up immediately, it is by the Outlaws.

*Green Grass and High Tides is playing*

Guy 1: Wow, the world is almost easier to bear while listening to this song.

Guy 2: Yeah, you know, my house is getting repossessed, my wife left me, and my children all hate me...but I think it'll all be okay...

Guy 1: Yeah man, I'm sure it'll be fine.

See green, grass


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