Gully Washer

What is Gully Washer?


A term I picked up after reading the book "Cristie." The hicks in the novel referred to a downpour or tterrible rainstorm as a Gully washer.

The porch is flooded, last night was a real gully washer

See jackie


A torrential rain that causes ditches to overflow creating flash floods on streets and roadways.

The gully washer spread so much water on the street that vehicles sprayed water high in the air as they passed by.

See hard rain, goose drowner


When you have to go the bathroom so badly you pee a little into your clothing to relieve some of the pressure. If you're at this stage then odds are very high you're not gonna make it to the bathroom in time.

"Dude! Did you see the back of Kayla's skirt when she rushed out?"

"Hell yeah! She must have let loose a gully washer during class."

"And did you see her after she ran into the hall? She, like, just started pissing onto the floor and it was, like, wierd!"

See pee, piss, urinate, wetting, bladder


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