
What is G0ys?


G0YS (Spelled with a ZER0) are guys who find men physically & emotionally attractive, but (for whatever reason) are offended with the stigmas that currently define the 'gay community' in the public psyche. G0YS recognize that the "gay-male" community tends to embrace every gender-bending act, fetish & affectation; --And include those things in the general specter of the image that "gay" projects publicly. The easiest to observe example is the commonly used acronym "GLIT" (sometimes "GLIB") meaning Gay, Lesbian, Intersexed, Transgendered (or BiSexual). The fact that "GAY" is grouped with "Intersexed & Transgendered" is evidence to our primary point showing what the term "GAY" has morphed into. G0YS reject those associations completely & consider it a form of prejudice against men who love men.

Behaviorally: Anal-sex is innately shunned by g0ys - as it represents the ultimate form of sexual disrespect whether male/male or male/female. Other distasteful stereotypes include (but are not limited to): Effeminate behavior, extreme passivity (like cowardice) & drag. G0YS don't call other men "girl", "bitch", "queen", etc. You probably get the idea.

G0YS also reject (due to well developed theology), the lax & lazy prejudices that have arisen in conservative fundamentalist circles against all same-gender sexuality. In Christian circles, this travesty has arisen due to the extremely sloppy exegesis (& outfight fraud) of (6) verses of Scripture, w. a total failure to rightfully divide the Word. This becomes quite apparent when the theme of the New Testament is held up as a standard, & these anti same-gender teachings are examined in light of that theme. Very briefly, Romans chapter (1) is a scathing commentary exposing temple prostitution & Anal-sex (Women w. men, & men w. men; -- N0T what is called 'homo-sex'). This is made very clear by other writings of Saul/Paul himself, & a warning from Peter about those who would misinterpret Paul's writings. Paul writes that those who did these things received within themselves the due penalty for their perverse behavior - & that penalty was death. Likewise, G0YS point out that Anal-Sex is the mechanism for the EXPLOSIVE SPREAD of Sexually Transmitted Diseases over the globe - many deadly. The anus is not a sexual organ (genital) & treating it as such violates Moses' command "Not to bear false witness". Scripture teaches that one of the very foundations of the faith involves "repentance from acts that lead to death". G0YS believe that changing the meaning of the Romans (1) from being against anal-sex, to a focus on (& against) 'homo-sex', -simultaneously adds & deletes from the canon of Scripture; & carries the ultimate penalty for perverting the gospel.

Men who like other men but are not gay.

Those body builders are very masculine but they seem to like only men, I wonder if they are g0ys?

See guys, bisexual, love, sexuality, gospel


Gay Light - Men who prefer physical contact with other men but do not want to engage in penetrative sexual intercourse usually referred to as mutual masturbation or dry humping.

Some suggest that the G0y movement is a recruiting effort by older gay males (daddies) to gain acceptance from younger males (chicken)

The g0ys attacked me when I suggested they were too scared to admit they were gay.

See homosexual, bisexual, insanity, gay, denial


Bisexual Christian androgynes with the appearance of male sexual charactaristics but no prostate gland and incapable of phallic penetration, generally favor lesbian-style sex.

G0ys are not gay men, to be a gay man you have to be male or at least an FTM.

See lesbian, christian, shim, fundie, nutjob


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