Headless Dick

What is Headless Dick?


A hot dog, sausage, weiner, or other cylindrically-shaped meatbased food product. So named for its resemblance in size and shape to the male penis, minus the mushroom "head" or glans-like bulbous anatomical feature at one end. Also can be abbreviated to "H.D." or "HD's" (plural) for added trendiness & urban hotness, or when uttered in public places or among mixed company.

"Are you hungry? 'Cause I'm gonna fry up some headless dicks here for us." Or, "Chet's gonna make his famous Headless Dick Fricassee for dinner tonight!" And "Can we go to Albertson's? I need to get some milk, butter, and HDs!"

See sausage, weiner, kielbasa


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