
What is Heggs?


1. (n) a hungover, mean bastard of a poster on a board or in a chatroom, who hates anyone and anything conceived more than 20 miles from where he resides. Not dangerous/malicious unless out of ciggies or cider, and invariably loyal almost to the point of pychosis

2. (n) a post by that is blunt to the point of making your eyes water, but also accurate as far as content is concerned

Innocent Poster: "Should I have red or white wine with chicken?"

heggs:"I like beer, me."

IP: "But that isn't helpful to me."

heggs: "Take yer whiney tard shite and fuck off then."

IP: "Thanks, heggs"

2. Innocent poster: "Good morning."

heggs: "Morning fucker? It ain't morning here, ya daft bastard."

Rest of community: "Morning heggs."


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