
What is Hereford?


One would define Hereford in several different ways. There's the obvious: Hereford High School, the school in Northern Baltimore County with one of the best agriculture programs in the state. One would also define it as a way of life: taking pride in your state champ football team, your high overall SAT scores, being a Hereford Bull, joing the firehall and leaving class to go on fire calls, going to cattle shows, sleeping in barns on haystacks, smoking during lunch down at Bunker Hill, The Dip, the Bull Run.. the list will forever go on. Hereford is also a way of life: once you're here, you're lucky to get out.

I live in Hereford, I run The Dip once a week and sleep with my cattle when I have cattle shows.


Supposedly a city, but actually a village on the welsh borders. Everyone is happy there, because the fumes of the Bulmers Cider factory leave everyone in a permanant state of tipsyness.

Very bad traffic. Always.

Large population of Welsh and Polish people, Herefordians cant understand either of them :P

Also famous for Hereford Cattle.

A very nice place to be.

herefordian farmer- alright my love? im from hereford!

saaf yuppie- yeah hey, where?

See hereford, england, cider, farmer, cattle


Proud home of the Worlds most Elite Special Fordces; The British SAS (Special Air Service).

"Hereford Lines."

See Diego


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